Featured Doomsday Books

Will the world really end on December 21,2012?

It is the dooms day that is foretold in the Mayan Calendar, the Chinese Oracle I Ching and even an intenet based prophetic software program, 2012 the date that is prophesized as the end of the world. There are many reasons why we should believe that the world will end.

But is there any science behind it? Could ancient oracles truely predic the future? Can you believe it? The answer could affect all of us.

Super Volcano

Super volcanoes are no ordinary volcanoes. They are substantially larger than the common volcano and produce the biggest and most deadly eruptions on earth. Yellowstone Volcano is one of the biggest and most realistic of the 2012 predictions. Scientists will tell you today that Yellowstone is overdue for a volcanic eruption, thus leading to the theory that 2012 could be that date. An eruption from this supervolcano could be catastrophic, as it is estimated to be 1,000′s of times more powerful than a regular volcano The explosion will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the Earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.

Will world really end on December 21,2012? Many predictions!!

What causes super volcano? What would be the consequences? Did it happen in the past? Many more questions. Visit Super Volcano and 2012 to learn more.

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