Featured Doomsday Books

Will the world really end on December 21,2012?

It is the dooms day that is foretold in the Mayan Calendar, the Chinese Oracle I Ching and even an intenet based prophetic software program, 2012 the date that is prophesized as the end of the world. There are many reasons why we should believe that the world will end.

But is there any science behind it? Could ancient oracles truely predic the future? Can you believe it? The answer could affect all of us.

Threat of the apocalypse also comes from more familiar source, the Bible. The Bible’s track record for accurate prophecy is legendary. The books of revelation predict an apocalypse in the future and some say it is happening now. It is filled with terrifying images and it is all about the apocalypse, and the coming of the end, the final battle of good versus evil.

Does the Bible specify the date?
Should only Christens believe to what bible says? Should you believe too? Please know more here at The Book of revelation and 2012 predictions

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