Featured Doomsday Books

Will the world really end on December 21,2012?

It is the dooms day that is foretold in the Mayan Calendar, the Chinese Oracle I Ching and even an intenet based prophetic software program, 2012 the date that is prophesized as the end of the world. There are many reasons why we should believe that the world will end.

But is there any science behind it? Could ancient oracles truely predic the future? Can you believe it? The answer could affect all of us.

Wizard Merlin

We hear the wonderful stories of the mythical wizard Merlin from the tales. But that is the Merlin of fiction. The real Merlin was much darker with prophecies that foretold the end of the world. Merlin was considered one of the greatest Oracles in Europe. His prophecies include terrorist attack, global warming and planetary catastrophes possibly in our own time.

Merlin was described to be half man and half demon. He was called as Merlin the wild. A half craze man of a forest.

The prophecies of Merlin seem to predict the events that happen after centuries of years. One thousand years before anyone knew that the America existed, Merlin predicted first American colony  by name.

Merlin foresaw a British victory over Napoleon at Waterloo, and the horrors and evil of the holocaust. These events came true.
“At that time shall the man standing on the shore of England speak instantly to the man standing on the shore of France through a speaking stone “. That more or less sounds like a cell phone of today, our little speaking stones that we hold.

Battle of Waterloo
But then Merlin’s prophecies turned darker. First he foresees disasters in Great Britain.
“The Severn Sea shall flow forth through seven mouths, and the River Usk shall be boiling hot for seven months. Its fish will die because of the heat, and from them serpents will be born. The baths shall grow cold at Bath, and its health-giving waters shall breed death. London shall mourn the death of twenty thousand, and the Thames will be turned into blood. Monks in their cowls shall be forced into marriage, and their lamentation will be heard on the mountain peaks of the Alps”.
Isn’t this a reference to a terrorist attack?

Merlin foresees more global problem.
“The see shall rise within the twinkling of the eyes. The winds shall fight together with a deathful blast.”
A lot of these predictions are happening. It is very much similar to the modern scientific predictions of Global Warming.The Prophecies of Merlin closes with an astrological apocalypse, described as a revolution
of the ordered paths of the planets through the Signs of the Zodiac.

The apocalypsis in the Prophecies of Merlin reveals a sidereal pattern,rotating into place somewhat like the tumblers on a combination lock,wheels within wheels, whereby a goddess unravels the old order, and brings in a new cycle. It is this sidereal or cosmic shift, this unraveling, that (in the Prophecies) causes the planets to abandon their customary movement through the Signs, marking the end of a long term pattern. We know that a synchronistic 25/26,000 year cycle creates the current sidereal alignments.

This entry was posted on 19 Sept 2011 at 16:44:00 and is filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



The rising sea and winds prophecy has nothing to do with the bogus Global Warming charade.

"The sea shall rise within the twinkling of the eyes," refers to the same prophecy of Alois Irlmaier and Nostradamus which predicts the submerging of the greater part of the island of Great Britain.

And "The winds shall fight together with a deathful blast," is referring to the thermo-nuclear war of WW3. The "winds fighting together" and "deathful blast" indicates this.

15/07/2013, 03:12

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